

For Natural Persons

Thank you for considering to support the Lufkin Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Migration FLAME). You can help us by:

  • donating up to 3.5% of your income tax;
  • participating as a volunteer in one of our projects;
  • sharing your ideas about new projects that we could initiate.

Donate up to 3.5% of your income tax

Participate in our efforts to support the programs dedicated to Romanians abroad, as well as their families living in Romania.

In accordance with Article 84.2 of the Fiscal Code, any taxpayer may request that up to 3.5% of his/her income tax be donated to any non-governmental organization (association, foundation, etc.). In essence, you are indicating to the authorities how you would like a portion of your income tax to be spent.

Furthermore, in accordance with the Ministry of Public Finance, a taxpayer must complete Form 230 (for earnings resulting from salaries) or Form 200 (for earnings resulting from other sources), and submit them in person or by mail to the Financial Administration where he or she resides, no later than May 25.

The forms must be submitted in person or by post to the Tax Authority you belong to.

For Juridical Persons

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Lufkin Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Migration (FLAME). We would like to partner with others to execute projects that would benefit the Romanian migrants.

If you represent a non-profit entity, please contact us to discuss the details of our partnership (click here for our contact information).

If you represent a company, we propose a partnership by establishing sponsorship contracts, as we believe they would be more fiscally efficient for your company (click here for our contact information).

You can download the forms here:

Form 200  (for earnings resulting from other sources)

Form 230  (for earnings resulting from salaries)

How to donate up to 3.5% of your income tax

For more details, please visit:

ANAF website - Ghidul contribuabililor care optează pentru redirecționarea unei sume reprezentând până la 3,5% din impozitul pe venit/câștigul net anual impozabil pentru susținerea entităților nonprofit și a unităților de cult, precum și pentru acordarea de burse private - publicat în data de 27.01.2023


We appreciate and value our dedicated volunteers. Join our team of volunteers and gain experience which would help you to:

  • make new friends;
  • acquire new skills;
  • benefit from networking opportunities;
  • feel fulfilled that you made a difference in someone's life;
  • gain experience in this field in accordance with the legislation for volunteering activities;
  • obtain a recommendation letter from the Lufkin Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Migration (FLAME);
  • opportunity to meet the honor members of “FLAME”.

If you want to participate as a volunteer to one of our projects, please fill in the form here.